Cheese Cream Soup Recipe

Cheese cream soup | Traditional Farmhouse Recipe from Bregenzerwald

Cheese cream soup is always ideal for us when things have to go fast. With our mountain cheese you have a warm meal that everyone tastes.

As is so often the case, the final result of a dish lies in the ingredients used. Thanks to our mountain cheese, the soup is a popular warm-up snack for our house guests in winter.

In our farming family, cream cheese soup is often served as a main course with fresh bread. You can also use the cheese soup as a starter in winter.

Cheese cream soup Preparation and recipe – it’s as simple as that:

  1. Lightly brown the flour in butter – to varying degrees depending on your taste.
  2. add with milk
  3. add the grated mountain cheese
  4. improve / optimize with cream
  5. season as desired

Cooking pleasure and highest enjoyment through alpine hay milk cheese. We ♥ Cheese!

Ideal cheese for the cheese soup with mountain cheese in the cheese shop