Yellow oatgrass or golden oat grass
Meadow golden oat (Trisetum flavescens)
The meadow-gold-oat, in botanical literature also called gold-grass oat, colloquially mostly called only gold-oat, is a plant species, which belongs to the family of the sweet grasses (Poaceae). It occurs naturally in large parts of Europe and in the Caucasus.
The meadow golden oat is a perennial grass that forms loose nests. The upright to ascending yellow-green stalks usually reach growth heights of 20 to 80 cm. The flowers are arranged in rich, delicate and loose panicles, which appear yellow-green to yellowish and are contracted before and after flowering. The panicles are golden until the fruit ripens. The lemma of each spikelet has a split awn so that a total of three bristles come off. The meadow golden oat is a very valuable mowing grass that provides a good second cut.
Occurrence meadow golden oats
The meadow-gold-oat has its naturalHere in Austria, we call our fresh, natural milk for our cheese production hay milk (hay mild standard) - in Germany it is different. » More info spread-main focus in the meadows of the low mountain range and the mountain-regions (gold-oat-meadows). Due to its high feed value, however, it is sown everywhere. It prefers moist soils rich in lime and nutrients, which are well fertilized.
Effect meadow golden oats
Gold oats can cause calcium deposits in organs, joints and blood vessels if the yield is too high and the cut is made early. When hay is used from well-mixed meadow stands, however, it can fully develop its nutrient richness.
Back to the Hay MilkHay milk comes from cows that are fed exclusively with fresh grassland feed, hay and little grain. » More info Wiki