Meadow vetchling, meadow pea or meadow pea-vine
Herbs profile
[/vc_column_text][ultimate_icon_list icon_size=”16″][ultimate_icon_list_item icon=”Defaults-angle-double-right” icon_color=”#53a600″]Latin Name: Lathyrus pratensis[/ultimate_icon_list_item][ultimate_icon_list_item icon=”Defaults-angle-double-right” icon_color=”#53a600″]Lathyros: greek flat pea, modest food of poor people[/ultimate_icon_list_item][ultimate_icon_list_item icon=”Defaults-angle-double-right” icon_color=”#53a600″]Pratum: lat. meadow[/ultimate_icon_list_item][ultimate_icon_list_item icon=”Defaults-angle-double-right” icon_color=”#53a600″]Family: Butterflyflowers/Fabaceae[/ultimate_icon_list_item][ultimate_icon_list_item icon=”Defaults-angle-double-right” icon_color=”#53a600″]Fodder type: Legumes[/ultimate_icon_list_item][/ultimate_icon_list][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][vc_single_image image=”24176″ img_size=”medium” alignment=”right” style=”vc_box_shadow_3d”][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_column_text]Meadow pea (Lathyrus pratensis)
The meadow pea is a plant species of the genus pea. It is the most common Lathyrus species in Central Europe. The meadow pea is a perennial climbing plant that forms runners. It reaches growth heights of 30 to 100 cm. Like most papilionaceous plants, it has root nodules with nitrogen-binding, symbiotic bacteriaBacterium Linens (red culture bacteria) are brushed with salt water on the cheese. » More info.
The leaves are pinnate leaves with a pair of sub-leaves and a tendril. The yellow flowers are arranged in bunches and are mainly pollinated by bumble bees. The fruits are flattened pods that turn black.[/vc_column_text][vc_message message_box_style=”solid-icon” message_box_color=”green” icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-check”]Best cheeses due to selected alpine herbs and meadow herbs. We ♥ cheese![/vc_message][vc_column_text]
Occurrence meadow pea
The meadow pea prefers nutrient-rich, fresh meadows with loamy soil.
Effect meadow pea
The plants are rich in proteins, but they are not eaten because they contain bitter substances. During intensive use, i.e. frequent pruning or permanent grazing, they disappear from the farmland.
Back to the Hay MilkHay milk comes from cows that are fed exclusively with fresh grassland feed, hay and little grain. » More info Wiki [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][ultimate_heading main_heading=”DISCOVER THE GREATEST VARIETY IN THE CHEESE SHOP” heading_tag=”h3″ spacer=”line_with_icon” spacer_position=”middle” line_height=”1″ icon=”Defaults-eye” icon_size=”26″ spacer_margin=”margin-bottom:10px;” sub_heading_margin=”margin-bottom:0px;” margin_design_tab_text=””] [/ultimate_heading][vc_column_text] [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]