Ribwort plantain, Narrowleaf plantain, English plantain, Ribleaf or Lamb’s tongue
Herbs profile
[/vc_column_text][ultimate_icon_list icon_size=”16″][ultimate_icon_list_item icon=”Defaults-angle-double-right” icon_color=”#53a600″]Latin Name: Plantago lanceolata[/ultimate_icon_list_item][ultimate_icon_list_item icon=”Defaults-angle-double-right” icon_color=”#53a600″]Planus: lat. flat[/ultimate_icon_list_item][ultimate_icon_list_item icon=”Defaults-angle-double-right” icon_color=”#53a600″]Lanceolatus: lat. lanceolate[/ultimate_icon_list_item][ultimate_icon_list_item icon=”Defaults-angle-double-right” icon_color=”#53a600″]Family: Plantain Family/Plantaginaceae[/ultimate_icon_list_item][ultimate_icon_list_item icon=”Defaults-angle-double-right” icon_color=”#53a600″]Feed type: Herbs[/ultimate_icon_list_item][/ultimate_icon_list][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][vc_single_image image=”24152″ img_size=”medium” alignment=”right” style=”vc_box_shadow_3d”][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_column_text]Ribwort plantain (Plantain Plantain)
The ribwort plantain, also known as the bourgeois herb, lung leaf or snake tongue, is a plant species belonging to the Plantaginaceae family.
It is a perennial herbaceous plant. It reaches a growth height of 5 – 50 cm. The pointed, narrow, lanceolate, leafless leaves stand in a rosette.
The small, inconspicuous flowers are arranged in a spike, which stands on a stem round, leafless shaft. The flowers are pre-feminine, i.e. the male flower organs appear only after the female flowers have faded. The pollination is done by the wind, the pollen can cause hayHere in Austria, we call our fresh, natural milk for our cheese production hay milk (hay mild standard) - in Germany it is different. » More info fever.[/vc_column_text][vc_message message_box_style=”solid-icon” message_box_color=”green” icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-check”]Best cheeses due to selected alpine herbs and meadow herbs. We ♥ cheese![/vc_message][vc_column_text]
Occurrence Ribwort Plantain
The Ribwort Plantain can be found everywhere on fresh to moderately dryThe dry matter refers to that portion of the cheese that remains after removal of the water contained. The more water is removed from the cheese, the lower its dry matter and vice versa. » More info lean to fatty meadows and is a welcome and valuable forage plant.
Effect Ribwort Plantain
It has been an excellent and one of the best known medicinal plants since ancient times. The plant sap is antibiotically active (Aucubin) and therefore has a good shelf life.
It has proven itself as an expectorant cough medicine. Freshly pressed leaves on insect bites alleviate itching and swelling and are a fast-acting emergency remedy.
Back to the Hay MilkHay milk comes from cows that are fed exclusively with fresh grassland feed, hay and little grain. » More info Wiki [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][ultimate_heading main_heading=”DISCOVER THE GREATEST VARIETY IN THE CHEESE SHOP” heading_tag=”h3″ spacer=”line_with_icon” spacer_position=”middle” line_height=”1″ icon=”Defaults-eye” icon_size=”26″ spacer_margin=”margin-bottom:10px;” sub_heading_margin=”margin-bottom:0px;”] [/ultimate_heading][vc_column_text] [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]