Amazing result of research: You should eat more cheese
To the sources: Report on Huffingtonpost, Focus Online and ScienceDaily
We are very pleased that, in addition to the taste experience, the cheese also has a scientifically proven health-promoting effect. Cheese consumption obviously boosts serotonin production. A high level of this hormone ensures better negotiating skills. But cheese can obviously do even more.
Danish research project with cheese
Danish researchers have now discovered that more frequent cheese consumption can prevent serious diseases. Cheese can help us control cholesterol levels. Researchers and scientists from Denmark wondered why the French suffer less from heart diseaseTo kill off any germs present in the milk, it is briefly heated and then immediately cooled again. » More info than other nations.
They came to an astonishing conclusion: cheese has a positive effect on human cholesterol levels. Responsible for this is the fatty acid butyrate, which is effective against bad cholesterol during high cheese consumption. Cheese consumption can also help to prevent bowel cancer. The Danish researchers are planning to carry out further studies to deepen their investigations and investigate the exact mechanisms involved.
Our Alpine Cheese – Made in Austria – Natural Alpine Products for Your Health
MountainThe Vorarlberger Bergkäse (mountain cheese) is a regional cheese specialty from the Austrian province Vorarlberg. » More info cheese
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Rehmocta® cheese