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Simply register and get started right away. Your customers will be thrilled to experience this combination. Our motto: Together is always better. We help each other and our joint customers are happy.

We are happy to announce all Heurigen / Buschenschank with AlpenSepp® cheese on our site and link to their homepage. This way, our cheese lovers will know where to enjoy delicious wine with our Alpine cheese.

As a winemaker or restaurateur, you and your guests benefit from a full-scale collaboration. You immediately have access to the best, carefully selected hay milk cheese varieties from the Bregenz Forest in Vorarlberg, directly from our cheese cellar.


You good cheese with wine?
We good wine with cheese!

Let’s do something with it and pamper your guests and customers!

This is the enjoyment you get from AlpenSepp®

  • Whole cheese wheels made from 100% best hay milk.
  • Optional cheese pieces in various weights – perfectly vacuum-sealed.
  • Wild sausages from our Alpine region.
  • Attractive discounts with price scaling for winemakers and restaurateurs.

Passion for Alpine Cheese for Your Wine!

  • Maximum freshness from hand-maintained cheese wheels directly from the cheese cellar.
  • We have a fine selection of hay milk cheese varieties.
  • Additional sales: Offer self-service products (SB products) for takeaway – no cutting effort required.
  • Optional: Individual voucher code for takeaway (or online) for the guest – if they order, you will receive a commission from us.

One thing is certain in any case. Your customers will be completely surprised and delighted by this unusual quality. We experience this ourselves every day.

How does AlpenSepp® work?

  • We ship the orders from the previous week once a week on Tuesday as fresh delivery, i.e., collection from Monday 00:00 to Sunday 22:00.
  • You register on this page as a winemaker or restaurateur.
  • After activation, you will see the standard price crossed out and your purchase price including VAT. In addition, a quantity discount scaling is activated for you. Additional quantity discounts from just 3 pieces and the next discount level from 30 pieces.
White wine high

The short way to register as a Winemaker & Restaurateur at AlpenSepp®

After your registration, you will receive the gastronomy conditions in your account as quickly as possible. It is very likely that we will call you personally for an initial personal conversation and also to discuss our values for collaboration.

If you are interested in a conversation before your registration, please contact us directly at T +43 676 6882000.

We look forward to your call!
Your AlpenSepp® Team


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