Enjoy fast and safe shopping at Alpen Sepp – conversion completed!
Our farmer project and pleasure cheese and sausage shop Alpen Sepp has reached another milestone in terms of personal shopping pleasure and personal enjoyment. After the conversionThe F.D.M. value related to dry matter, also depending on the water content of the cheese. The higher the water content (the more watery the cheese) the less dry matter and the less fat the cheese contains. » More info and start of AlpenSepp 3.0 in February 2016, the next goal was clear and unambiguous. Highest shopping pleasure for our lovers of hay milkHay milk comes from cows that are fed exclusively with fresh grassland feed, hay and little grain. » More info cheese and dryThe dry matter refers to that portion of the cheese that remains after removal of the water contained. The more water is removed from the cheese, the lower its dry matter and vice versa. » More info/hard sausages also from game from our Alps. At the same time, secure shopping in the onlineThe purchase of food and cheese via the Internet. A big and very interesting topic in this area will probably be the easy and quick access to specialties such as - for examle - cheese. » More info shop for customers must remain the same or, if possible, even be increased.
Highest priority for your safety and pleasure in shopping
Just in time for the start of the TV campaign from Alpen Sepp, we were able to complete the technical conversion. Our use of state-of-the-art technology is not immediately visible, but you will notice it in the surfing pleasure – whether on the PC, on the tablet or on the smartphone.
Above all, we paid full attention to three points on the catalogue of wishes. Briefly to the details which should also show you why Alpen Sepp is and will remain special.
100 percent encryption of the entire online shop
The usual standard for online shops is encryption of the Internet connection between the customer’s computer and the online shop as soon as the checkout page with the payment options is opened or the customer logs into the customer area. This was also the case with Alpen Sepp until the end of May.
Since June 2016, we have relied on FULL encryption of the entire webshop as soon as the pleasure lover visits www.alpensepp.com. Although this required a change to a more powerful and also more expensive web server, the protectionTo protect the cheese wheel, it is put into salt bath or turned into dry salt. The salt removes water from the cheese and it dries faster. So the rind is formed. » More info of our customers’ data is simply too important to us. You can recognize this by the https:// address field in the browser on each individual page.
Extended data encryption incl. shopping check by certification authority
Alpen Sepp is tested, certified and secure – this is confirmed by the green signal bar in front of the URL line. This very modern certification is intended to graphically show the customer that
- the internet connection to the webshop complies with the highest technical encryption standard
- the web shop is checked and professionally managed
- the webshop is a registered company and
- the order process is fully secure at all times.
We can only repeat – only the best for our customers is good enough for us. In our eyes this is simply decisive!
Increase speed with focus on mobile devices
Especially in times of an active application from the online shop, speed is a central issue. Using modern cache technologies, especially for static content such as images, we were also able to achieve a noticeable increase in response speed. Especially on smartphones and tablets, lovers of our hay-milk cheeses and alpineThe Vorarlberger Bergkäse (mountain cheese) is a regional cheese specialty from the Austrian province Vorarlberg. » More info game sausages will recognize an enormous difference.
Further smaller updates will provide an even more “rounded” shopping experience and pleasure.
Of course it goes optically as well as technologically with big steps further with your pleasure shop ALPEN SEPP. We are already preparing the next design update for the shop. And other products will also be available for you because variety is simply something wonderful – as always with the highest enjoyment factor!
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