PCI DSS Seal: Confirmed with a seal of quality. Payment by credit card is safe in this cheese webshop!
In the age of onlineThe purchase of food and cheese via the Internet. A big and very interesting topic in this area will probably be the easy and quick access to specialties such as - for examle - cheese. » More info shopping, payment by credit card is, in addition to the tried and tested payment options paypal and immediate transfer, also a very widespread and pleasant payment method. Since you have to provide your credit card details, it is also a very sensitive issue.
Ultimately, it is always our responsibility to take a close look at where we shop and where we enter our personal data.
Important: Trappers with absurd plans are always on the lookout and creative in the hunt for YOUR data!
The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (or PCI DSS for short) is the common, globally valid IT security standard of the leading credit card companies. All companies that process, storeThe alpine cheese is best located in a cellar with high humidity. » More info or forward credit card data must prove that they meet the requirements of the standard.
Advantages for our cheese shop:
We “Alpen Sepp’ler people” find this a sensible thing – especially in the age of online shopping, when credit cards are used for all kinds of “creative nonsense”. So far we have been spared negative experiences with AlpineThe Vorarlberger Bergkäse (mountain cheese) is a regional cheese specialty from the Austrian province Vorarlberg. » More info cheese.
Credit card seal of approval: Short description of details for us average consumers
This credit card seal of approval is a set of rules for payment transactions that refers to the processing of credit card transactions. It is supported by all major credit card organizations.
Trading companies and service providers, such as Alpen Sepp cheese shop, which store, transmit or process credit card transactions, must comply with the regulations.
If they (or we) do not adhere to them, they may be fined, restricted, or ultimately prohibited from accepting credit cards.
What does the PCI DSS seal of approval for credit card payments mean?
The certifying company, usd AG, writes about it:
“For more security. More confidence. Turnover. Demonstrate the security of your IT systems to customers, employees, insurance companies and partners with a certificate and seal according to a worldwide standard. Check your systems for weak points and minimize acute risks.
The provider uses a certified payment solution and has issued a binding, correct self-disclosure on the secure handling of credit card data. The company thus complies with the security standard of the credit card industry (PCI DSS). PCI DSS requires the questionnaire to be updated every twelve months”.
Now available at Alpen Sepp: Secure cheese enjoyment with secure credit card payment
Spicy semi-hard cheese
Spicy semi-hard cheese
Spicy semi-hard cheese
Spicy semi-hard cheese
Spicy semi-hard cheese
Spicy semi-hard cheese
Spicy semi-hard cheese
Spicy semi-hard cheese