MOUNTAIN CHEESE GOLD BOX Rehmer Sennhus | Lactose-Free PREMIUMHere in Austria, we call our fresh, natural milk for our cheese production hay milk (hay mild standard) - in Germany it is different. » More info Cheese from Hay MilkHay milk comes from cows that are fed exclusively with fresh grassland feed, hay and little grain. » More info | Frankfurt International Trophy | The Path to Gold Means Traditional Handcraft and Extensive Cheese Care in the Cheese Cellar
Yes, we have every reason to rejoice: Our Rehmer Mountain Cheese, which has been carefully tended in traditional handcraft for 12 months, was honored with a Gold Award at the Frankfurt International Trophy. This achievement is a testament to the outstanding qualityDetecting cheese defects and quality - on the cheese dough. Recognizing cheese defects requires some practice. » More info and dedication that goes into every piece of our mountain cheese.
The Rehmer Mountain Cheese is not just a hard cheeseThe Vorarlberger Bergkäse (mountain cheese) is a regional cheese specialty from the Austrian province Vorarlberg. » More info, but a true premium product from the Rehmen Dairy in Au. The meticulous production process and the long maturation periodThe milk period is also called the lactation period. It is the time when farm animals such as cows, sheep or goats keep milk for milk production. » More info of 12 months make this cheese a truly special delicacy.
Our master cheesemakers and cheese careTo protect the cheese wheel, it is put into salt bath or turned into dry salt. The salt removes water from the cheese and it dries faster. So the rind is formed. » More info team invest a great deal of time and effort into each wheel to make the cheese a unique delight.
Cheese care is extremely labor-intensive: Over the course of an entire year, our mountain cheese is taken out of the shelf multiple times a week, inspected, brushed, and treated with brine before being put back. This intensive handcraft gives the cheese its distinctive savory aroma.
We are particularly proud that our cheese rind is treated with sodium chloride-free, iodine-free salt and pure spring water. This contributes to the natural quality and authentic flavor of our cheese, which has now been awarded gold.
This honor is not only a recognition of our traditional production methods, but also an incentive to continue setting the highest quality standards and delighting our customers with first-class products.
Lactose-Free Mountain Cheese: The natural milkCheese milk is the milk intended for the production of cheese, also with the concomitant use of buttermilk products, cream products, sweet whey, sour whey and whey cream (whey cream) » More info sugar in our hard cheeses made from hay milk is broken down by lactic acid bacteriaBacterium Linens (red culture bacteria) are brushed with salt water on the cheese. » More info. Result: Lactic acid and exceptionally complex flavor and aroma profiles.
A special advantage: Our mountain cheese is naturally lactose-free, as the milk sugar is completely broken down during the maturation process. This makes it ideal for people with lactose intolerancePeople with lactose intolerance can not or only insufficiently digest milk sugar (lactose or lactose). » More info, without compromising on taste.
Background Information on This Rehmer Sennhus Mountain Cheese 12-Month Gold Box | The Long Journey to Mountain Cheese Gold
The idea behind this Mountain Cheese Box is to show you the flavor development of a top-aged, typically “pungent” mountain cheese on your palate. That’s why this mountain cheese box consists of 3 different cheese maturation stages:
- Aged 4 months
- Aged 8 months – and –
- Aged 12 months
Experience for yourself at homeRipened cheese likes it cool and moist. The best is a temperature of about 8-10 ° C at about 90% humidity. » More info the flavor evolution of the cheese paste in each age category. Good things take time, constant and intensive care, and a perfect cheese cellarThe alpine cheese is best located in a cellar with high humidity. » More info where humidity and temperature are just right.
Nearly 400 tasting samples with 116 medals are the result. The tasting took place at the Südbahnhof in Frankfurt am Main.
On December 9, 2022, a total of 100 tasters evaluated nearly 400 samples from 13 countries.
The Frankfurt International Trophy is recognized by the Hessian Ministry for the Environment, Climate Protection, Agriculture, and Consumer Protection. An award may only be indicated on labelingCheese packaging must have certain markings. The purpose of these markings is to protect the consumer from deception and to announce the supply of certain information about the product. » More info if it is a recognition granted by the state government.
List of awards recognised by the state governmentsTRY THE REHMER GOLD
With this mountain cheese Gold Box, you will get to know the best Rehmer Mountain Cheese.
The following cheese varieties are waiting to be tasted by you
1x Rehmer Mountain Cheese mild – 4 months
1x Rehmer Mountain Cheese savory – 8 months
3x Grande Finale: Rehmer Mountain Cheese very savory – 12 months
Hay Milk MOUNTAIN CHEESE SAVORY, Aged 4 Months | 1 Piece approx. 300 g in the Gold Box
With the mild mountain cheese aged for 4 months by the cheesemaker, you hold a special mountain cheese delicacy in your hands. The mild mountain cheese gains its savory aroma through 100% manual care in the natural cellar.
The cheese rind of the mountain cheese is treated with sodium chloride-free, iodine-free salt and pure, right-turning spring water, massaged and cared for.
- Intensity: mild
- Consistency: firm, but still meltable
- Aging period before sale: at least 4 months in the cheese cellar
Hay Milk MOUNTAIN CHEESE SAVORY, Aged 8 Months – 1 Piece approx. 300 g in the Gold Box
With the savory mountain cheese aged for 8 months by the cheesemaker, you hold a special mountain cheese delicacy in your hands. The savory mountain cheese gains its rich aroma through 100% manual care in the natural cellar.
The cheese rind of the mountain cheese is treated with sodium chloride-free, iodine-free salt and pure, right-turning spring water, massaged and cared for.
- Intensity: savory
- Consistency: firm
- Aging period before sale: at least 8 months in the cheese cellar
Hay Milk MOUNTAIN CHEESE SAVORY, Aged 12 Months – 3 Pieces approx. 300 g Each in the Gold Box
With the very savory mountain cheese aged for 12 months in the cheese cellar, you hold a special mountain cheese delicacy in your hands. The savory mountain cheese gains its intense aroma through 100% manual care in the natural cellar.
The cheese rind of the mountain cheese is treated with sodium chloride-free, iodine-free salt and pure, right-turning spring water, massaged and cared for.
- Intensity: very savory
- Consistency: firm with salt crystals
- Aging period before sale: at least 12 months in the cheese cellar
The finest mountain cheese
Hay Milk – A Natural Resource
The most valuable hay milk is available in the EU only in small quantities. Across Europe, less than 3% of the milk produced meets the criteria for hay milk.
Mountain Cheese from Hay Milk
Hay milk represents the most natural form of milk production. Since our mountain cheese is made purely from hay milk, you can taste the highest level of enjoyment in every bite.
Frankfurt International Trophy
An important opportunity – especially for small producers – to compare their cheese qualities. The result is nearly 400 tasting samples with 116 medals.
Proper Storage of Our Hay Milk Mountain Cheese
If you want to store large pieces or a whole mountain cheese wheel for more than 2-3 weeks, we recommend using a dish towel.
To do this, take a clean dish towel, soak it in saltwater (simply add a little salt), wring it out, and wrap the cheese in the damp towel. Ideally, repeat this process every 2-3 days.
If the cheese turns slightly white or develops spots, it is usually salt or proteinCasein is a constituent of the protein (protein) of cow's milk, which is obtained for cheese production. » More info crystallizing due to temperature differences. Simply rub off these areas.
Using aluminum foil is possible (though we advise against it), but it should be supplemented with many small holesThe large round holes (round holes, fermentation holes) are caused by fermentation gases of bacteria (for example, the propionic acid bacteria in Emmentaler, etc.). » More info to allow air circulation.
No bread contact - yeasts
Never store or cut cheese on boards, wood, or surfaces where bread has previously been placed. The yeast residues from the bread can cause the cheese to moldMold cultures are aroma-forming noble molds that grow on the surface (white noble mold) or inside a cheese (blue and green mold). » More info quickly.
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