Credit card fraud – also a topic at Alpen Sepp – now SAFE with 3 D SECURE CODE
Also with us the attempts are increasing to order with stolen credit card data in our cheese on-line Shop. Of course we are not happy about that – especially as we have to pay for the damage as long as we do not offer the additional security code option.
Up to now we at Alpen Sepp have waived the additional function 3-D Secure – secure payment on the Internet, as many of our customers have forgotten this secret code with their credit card, or do not even know the security system.
How it works – What is this security function – 3-D Secure
3D Secure technology gives you even more protectionTo protect the cheese wheel, it is put into salt bath or turned into dry salt. The salt removes water from the cheese and it dries faster. So the rind is formed. » More info when shopping onlineThe purchase of food and cheese via the Internet. A big and very interesting topic in this area will probably be the easy and quick access to specialties such as - for examle - cheese. » More info. The existing protection mechanisms are extended by an important function – free of charge. This security system is an authentication procedure for very secure shopping on the Internet. During the payment process, the online shop sends an inquiry to your card-issuing bank. This opens an input window in your browser and asks you for a personal security code, the SecureCode, which only you and your bank know.
Your 3-D Secure password is additionally requested for online payments with your card number at all webshops that offer this payment method (recognizable by the logo) – thus protecting your online payments.
The dealer cannot see your code. This security query is seamlessly integrated into the payment process and completed in seconds. You can shop quickly and conveniently while enjoying state-of-the-art security.
The advantages are:
- Unique authentication
For each transaction, it is checked whether both the cardholder and the accepting partner are the payment participants for whom they claim to be. By entering a personal code during the payment process, it is ensured that the customer is the legal owner of the credit card. This prevents unauthorised persons from misusing the credit card. - Activation During Shopping (ADS)
This means that you already sign up for 3-D Secure during an online transaction. - Alpen Sepp is not liable for damages – the responsibility lies with the credit card company.
Registration for 3-D Secure Code for his credit card
For Visa this means “Verified by Visa”, for MasterCard it means “MasterCard SecureCode”.
This is how online shopping works with 3 D AUTHENTIFICATION PROCEDURES
- Card number and personal data are entered as usual for payment on the Internet.
- The online shop makes a request to the bank to authorize the card payment.
- The bank opens its own secure channel to identify the cardholder.
- 3-D Secure Code is entered and checked.
- The bank confirms the identity of the cardholder.
- The purchase is completed.
Simple tips for more security online payment with credit card – you should pay attention to this
Source: Praxistipp Pay online with Mastercard, Visa, American Express and Diners Club credit cards
- To ensure that payment remains secure not only in the storeThe alpine cheese is best located in a cellar with high humidity. » More info but also online, you should always have an up-to-date antivirus program installed on your computer.
- In addition, you should only buy from reputable dealers. If you don’t know a shop, google it. If the shop seems dubious to you, you leave its page. Serious online shops can always show a seal of qualityDetecting cheese defects and quality - on the cheese dough. Recognizing cheese defects requires some practice. » More info. However, check their authenticity.
- Costs should not arise for you as a buyer. All fees are paid by the seller. However, some shops charge fees for different types of payment. Inform yourself about this in advance.
- When paying online, you must provide your credit card number, expiration date, and verification number. By knowing this information, anyone can shop online under your name. Do not pass them on to unauthorised persons.
- You should also make sure that there is a secure connection between you and the shop during the payment process. To do this, the address line must contain “https://” instead of “http://” and a small lock must be visible. Only then is the connection sufficiently encrypted.
- If an unauthorized debit should occur, you can easily object to it. You can request cancellation online or by telephone from your credit card company. Depending on the financial institution, the deadlines are only a few weeks. For this reason, you should check your account statements regularly in order to be able to object in due time.
- Online shops use your credit card to access not only your payment details, but also your personal address details and age. These can then be used to create customer profiles. If you do not want this, you should refrain from paying by credit card. Note Alpen Sepp: Because we work with payment providers(Paymill / Stripe), this is not the case with us.
- A safer alternative to credit cards is the “PayPal” service. Here the merchant does not receive any of your personal information. You can read in this practical tip how secure “PayPal” really is.
- Conclusion: Online payment via credit card is safe if you follow the tips.
Unbeschwerter Käsegenuss Dank sicherer Kreditkartenzahlung im Käse Shop
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