The World Championship Cheese Contest 2018 in Wisconsin – USA
The world championship in cheese competition breaks all previous records in product submissions.
We’ve just received some interesting information from America. At the World Championship Cheese Contest which takes place every 2 years there is a new record participation announcement.
The 2018 World Championship Cheese Contest participants have risen to over 400, and international participation has increased by 33 percent since the last competition in 2016!
World Championship Cheese Contest 2018: In detail, there are participants from 26 countries of the world and 32 USA countries with a total of 3,402 cheese and dairy products (all in all – whole cheese block, cheese loaf, etc.), who will face the competition.
You first have to imagine this “cheese mountain” with the best cheese products from all over the world. If we assume an average cheese loaf weight of 6 kg then we come to over 20 tons of top qualityDetecting cheese defects and quality - on the cheese dough. Recognizing cheese defects requires some practice. » More info which are evaluated here by 53 jurors.
It’s great that so many people take part – and that although the effort to import a cheese wheel into the USA is connected with considerable effort, such as Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Health Certificate, and much more.
One Grate Big Announcement…
World Championship Cheese Contest: Business Boost
World Championship Cheese Contest: That Winning Feeling
World Championship Cheese Contest: World-Class Judges
The 2018 World Championship Cheese Contest Jury consists of 53 experienced cheese sommeliers, cheese buyers, dairy scientists and researchers from 20 countries and 15 US states.
The jury will again be chaired by Chief Judge Robert Aschebrock, Veteran USDA Dairy Grader. Back to Aschebrock in 2018 are the famous “RedAerobic cheese ripening means cheese ripening with oxygen. » More info Hats”, the elite team of the competition’s deputy chief judges, including Tim Czmowski of Agropur, Inc., Stan Dietsche of Oshkosh Cheese Sales & Storage, Jim Mueller of Mueller Consulting, Sandy Toney of Masters Gallery Foods and chief referee Bill Schinsog. New to the “Red Hats” this year are the long-standing contest jury members Mariana Marques de Almeida of Ms. J and Co. and Josef Hubatschek of ALPMA.
- Fernando Pino, Instituto Nacional de Técnología Industrial, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Russell Smith, Dairy Australia, New South Wales, Australia
- Kurt Kroissl, Berglandmilch Reg. Gen.m.H., Oberwang, AustriaSince 2004, ARGE Heumilch Österreich has been bringing together around 8,000 hay-milk farmers and more than 60 dairies. » More info
- Mucio Furtado, DuPont Nutrition and Health, São Paulo, Brazil
- Louis Aird, Saputo Cheese, Québec, Canada
- Thierry Martin, Agropur Canada, Ontario, Canada
- Samir Kalit, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Agriculture, Zagreb, Croatia
- Lars Johannes Nielsen, Danish Dairy Board, Denmark
- Anja Pölönen, Finlandia Cheese Valio Ltd, Joensuu, Finland
- Roland Barthélemy, Guilde Internationale des Fromagers, Carpentras PDC, France
- Dieter Koch-Hartke, Deutsches Milchkontor (DMK), Germany
- Enda Howley, Ornua, Ireland
- Dr. Giuseppe Rostiti, Mofin Alce Group, Italy
- Elsa Culoga, Ella Consulting, Italy
- Luis Alejandro Jiménez-Maroto, Center for Dairy Research, Qro., México
- Arnoldo Lopez-Hernandez, University of Wisconsin, Dept. of Food Science, México
- Jaco Blankespoor, Rouveen Kaasspecialiteiten, Netherlands
- Chris Vickers, Open Country Dairy, Waikato, New Zealand
Kobus Mulder, Mulder Consult, Western Cape Province, South Africa - Jose Luis Galván Romo, Instituto Technológico Agrario, Junta de Castilla y León, Itacyl, Spain
- Andréas Leibundgut, FROMARTE, Berne, Switzerland
- Stefan Truttmann, FROMARTE, Berne, Switzerland
- Adrian Fowler, Fowlers Forest Dairies Ltd, Warwickshire, United Kingdom
- Nana Farkye, Cal Poly State University, California, United States
- Todd Druhot, Gourmet Foods Intl., Georgia, United States
- Dr. John Partridge, Michigan State University, Michigan, United States
- Dan Konz, DairiConcepts, Minnesota, United States
- Eric Goan, Mississippi State University, Mississippi, United States
- Neville McNaughton, SDI, Missouri, United States
- Don Tribby, DuPont, Missouri, United States
- Christophe Megevand, Schuman Cheese, New Jersey, United States
- Charles Lindberg, New York State Agriculture Department, New York, United States
- Dr. Steve Zeng, Langston University, Oklahoma, United States
- Jill Allen, Tillamook, Oregon, United States
- Marc Bates, Bates Consulting LLC, Oregon, United States
- Kerry Kaylegian, Penn State University, Pennsylvania, United States
- Dr. Lloyd Metzger, South Dakota State University, South Dakota, United States
- David Satterness, Chr. Hansen, South Dakota, United States
- Cathy Strange, Whole Foods Market, Texas, United States
- Craig Gile, Cabot Creamery, Vermont, United States
- Adeline Druart, Vermont Creamery, Vermont, United States
- Larry Bell, LBell Consulting, Wisconsin, United States
- Kimberlee Burrington, Center for Dairy Research, Wisconsin, United States
- Dominique Delugeau, Saputo Cheese USA, Wisconsin, United States
- Jeff Giffin, Masters Gallery Foods, Wisconsin, United States
- John Jaeggi, Center for Dairy Research, Wisconsin, United States
- Laura Laehn, Masters Gallery Foods, Wisconsin, United States
- Ken Neumeier, Wisconsin Aging and Grading, Wisconsin, United States
- Michael Pederson, Wisconsin Dept. of Agriculture, Trade & Consumer ProtectionTo protect the cheese wheel, it is put into salt bath or turned into dry salt. The salt removes water from the cheese and it dries faster. So the rind is formed. » More info, Wisconsin, United States
- Dean Sommer, Center for Dairy Research, Wisconsin, United States
- Matt Zimbric, Saputo Cheese, Wisconsin, United States
- Dr. Mark Johnson, Center for Dairy Research, Wisconsin, United States
- Tonya Birkrem, Schreiber Foods, Wisconsin, United States