SAVING WATER WITH ECOTURBINO | patented SHOWER ADAPTER | Saving water + ENERGY COSTS and investing in alpensepp enjoyment – that’s always better!
Yes, we have tested the ecoturbino® and are almost speechless. Saving water, wastewater and energy costs in the household so easily and inexpensively is really great.
Even here in the Alpine region, the summers are getting drier and water is becoming scarcer. At the same time, energy costs (electricity, oil, etc.) for hot water production are rising and the costs for waste water (sewage treatment plant) are not getting any cheaper either.
So what can be done in private households to reduce costs without loosing comfort? In our search for solutions, we came across the patented ecoturbino® shower adapter – an Austrian invention.
The problem: Until now, these adapters have been used almost exclusively in hotels and fitness facilities and are hardly known in private homes.
ecoturbino® in detail and to the pronatur24 shopWith typical Austrian scepticism, Iwebought an ecoturbino – installed it in the shower – and tested it. A sensation. The truth is: the thing works 100% and also shows the water savings immediately in the tub test.
This is the core of the Austrian ecoturbino patent!
By introducing air through the air intake hole of approx. 40%, the mini air bubbles are “incorporated” into the water volume flow.
When showering, the water jet still feels as strong as before the ecoturbino installation, but there is 40% less water in the water jets.
The ecoturbino shower head emptying function
But it goes even further. The ecoturbino shower adapter goes beyond just showering. It minimises standing water in the shower hose through the shower head emptying function.
Limescale deposits and germ formation such as legionella and biofilm in the shower head or nozzles no longer exist. This means less cleaning effort and increased hygiene.
But the best thing? A 40 percent reduction in shower costs, which we judge to be extremely environmentally conscious and sustainable.
After research, we now also know that about one third of all water consumption in private households, hotels and sports facilities is caused by showers and personal hygiene!
ecoturbino® is inexpensive and immediately reduces water costs – without compromising on comfort!
- € 110 and more are saved on average per person and per year, i.e. extrapolated
- € 220 savings on average per household per year or
- € 440 cost reduction for a 4-person household per year

ecoturbino® | completely different from a usual water reducer
The patented ecoturbino® is indeed a solution for real showering pleasure with a 40% TÜV-certified cost reduction. A special turbine design inside creates a highly turbulent water/air mixture.
ecoturbino® | when technology simply works
ecoturbino® has been certified by independent experts and TÜV AUSTRIA and awarded the Austrian Eco-label and Energy Globe Upper Austria. A medical hygiene certificate confirms that ecoturbino® meets the high requirements for use in healthcare facilities (hospitals, nursing homes, etc.).