The ideal piece of cheese cutting technique – buy cheese or buy cheese wheel, but how to cut ?
More and more often our customers buyThe purchase of food and cheese via the Internet. A big and very interesting topic in this area will probably be the easy and quick access to specialties such as - for examle - cheese. » More info large pieces of cheese or whole cheese wheels for several cheese connoisseurs (in a circle of friends or family), in order to buy cheese free of shipping costs and to save money again with the cheese price by the cheese wheel purchase.
Customer question: I bought a cheese wheel. How do I cut a cheese loaf into nice pieces of cheese so that everyone gets a nice piece of cheese ?
We are very happy about this, because also for us the “cutting out pieces of cheese from the cheese wheel” means a lot of work. When our customers buy whole cheese wheels, it is our job to pack the cheese loaves well for transport. So in the end a big cheese package goes on the journey and not many small cheese packages.

Three cheese cutting methods to cut a cheese loaf into beautiful cheese pieces
To cut a whole body of cheese, you need three tools:
- A clean wooden base
- A long cheese knife with 2 handles (fishing)
- A cheese scoop for stabbing
- Optional: Good vacuum device for welding in the fresh pieces of cheese, if longer storage is required.
Cut whole cheeses into triangular pieces
Cut a cheese wheel into evenly triangular cheese pieces
The easiest way to cut a cheese wheel quickly and easily is to use a special cheese knife with 2 handles. Place the cheese knife vertically on the cheese wheel and press the knife down to the wooden board.
- Cut the cheese into two halves.
- Divide the half cheese loaves into even, triangular cheese pieces
- Optionally, you can halve the length of the triangular pieces of cheese.
Sketch: Triangle pieces from the cheese wheel
Ganze Käselaibe in flache Stücke zerteilen
Cut a cheese wheel into even, flat pieces of cheese
Another method of quickly and easily cutting a cheese wheel into many flat pieces of cheese is the special cheese shovel with push handle. Place the cheese shovel vertically on the cheese wheel and press the cheese shovel down to the wooden board.
- Cut the cheese wheel into two halves.
- Cut the half cheese wheel into two parts – quarter cheese piece
- Divide cheese quarters into flat pieces according to sketch
Sketch: Flat pieces of cheese from the cheese wheel
Sketch: Small pieces of cheese from the cheese wheel
Divide a cheese wheel into small, even cheese pieces
Another method of quickly and easily cutting a cheese wheel into many flat pieces of cheese is the special cheese shovel with push handle. Place the cheese shovel vertically on the cheese wheel and press the cheese shovel down to the wooden board.
- Cut the cheese loaf in two halves.
- Cut the half cheese into two parts – quarter cheese pieces.
- Optional: Cut the end of the cheese quarter according to the sketch. Pieces of cheese that end in a sharp angle look unattractive. Cutting off the cheese corner results in a small area at the front of the small pieces of cheese, which looks visually beautiful.
- You can cut the cheese pieces as small as you like – also in length, if necessary, divide them again.