CHEESE REHMOCTA® » Merboth « | Affine, lactose-free semi-hard cheese directly from the cheese cellar | Tenderly melting with an orange pepper character

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The unique cheese refined with a spice blend.

A new lactose-free cheese specialty from the Rehmer Sennhus dairy thanks to manual care and handcrafted, traditional production.

Base price: € 29,48/kg

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CHEESE REHMOCTA® » Merboth « | Affined lactose-free cheese variety with orange pepper spice blend | Meadow milk semi-hard cheese with 48% F.i.T. | freshly cut from the cheese wheel, from the cheese cellar

The name “Merboth” comes from the Bregenzerwald legend of Egg: Merboth, Diedo, and Ilga – see table.

The new Rehmer cheese series »REHMOCTA!« is a special semi-hard cheese of the highest quality from Sennerei Rehmen in Au. The cheese rind is given special treatment prior to aging.

“Nothing in the world is as powerful as an idea whose time has come,” once said Victor Hugo. High-quality cheese flavor is unique – as are the harmonious synergies with spices.

It was time to sit down with Austrian spice specialist Spiceworld and its brand STAY SPICED! to creatively seek harmony together.

Discover ultimate taste experiences with our new Rehmer cheese series » REHMOCTA is surprisingly DIFFERENT! «

The quality of these semi-hard cheeses is based not only on the craftsmanship of the dairy but also on the valuable nutrients of Alpine milk or meadow milk. The pure meadow milk, rich in natural aromas and nutrients, gives the cheese its distinctive texture and unmistakable aroma.

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Lactose-free REHMOCTA cheese: The natural milk sugar in our meadow milk cheese is broken down by lactic acid bacteria. Result: lactic acid plus exceptionally amazing flavor and aroma development.

All semi-hard cheeses are also lactose-free, making them particularly accessible for people with lactose intolerance without compromising on taste.

REHMOCTA cheeses are perfect for all cheese lovers who place the highest value on quality and authentic enjoyment. Experience the special care and craftsmanship that goes into every wheel of cheese.

We use special semi-hard Sennerei cheeses of the highest quality for the creation of REHMOCTAS. The cheese rind is given special treatment before cheese refinement.

CHEESE REHMOCTA® 'Merboth' | Affine, lactose-free semi-hard cheese directly from the cheese cellar | Tenderly melting with an orange pepper character

With REHMOCTA®, you hold a special semi-hard cheese specialty from Rehmer Senn in your hands. This cheese gets its distinctive aroma through 100% manual care in the natural cheese cellar.

The rind of this semi-hard cheese is cared for with salt-free, iodine-free salt and pure, right-handed spring water.

Rehmocta® Logo

The REHMOCTA cheese “Merboth” gets its wonderful flavor spectrum through manual care. Only the cheese rind is treated with the special orange pepper spice blend.

Christof Schneider shows particular ambition when it comes to composing new taste experiences. The distinctive cheese flavors and exceptional taste are achieved by Senn Christof through crucial cheese secrets, including:

  • 100% from the best raw milk
  • Traditional cheese-making
  • Aged on wooden boards or in natural cellars without artificial climate control
  • Manual care without chemical additives
  • Use of unpumped meadow milk
  • Natural rennet
  • Iodine-free salt
  • Unpasteurized raw milk
  • Lactose-free
  • Spring water from the Ilga source

Our “MERBOTH” cheese belongs to our family of REHMOCTAS in our shop overview.

Characteristics of the REHMOCTA® Merboth Semi-Hard Cheese

The minimum aging period of 3 months gives the REHMOCTA semi-hard cheese a pleasantly mild yet intense cheese aroma.

The REHMOCTA cheese “MERBOTH” gains its delightful flavor spectrum through manual care. Only the cheese rind is treated with the special STAY SPICED! seasoning blend. Its cut surface is cream-white, nicely dotted, and made from a soft yet firm paste.

The distinctive characteristics of “MERBOTH” cheese are influenced by the high-quality milk from the Alpine region, its components and flavor or texture, and by the Bregenzerwald Alpine flora (Super videos). This results in the special quality of Alpine cheese.

The aging period of 3 months brings out the flavor beautifully.

CHEESE REHMOCTA® 'Merboth' wheel | Affine, lactose-free semi-hard cheese directly from the cheese cellar | Tenderly melting with an orange pepper character
CHEESE REHMOCTA® 'Merboth' | Affine, lactose-free semi-hard cheese directly from the cheese cellar | Tenderly melting with an orange pepper character

Holes in » MERBOTH « Cheese

The soft, smooth texture of REHMOCTA cheese has cherry-to hazelnut-sized holes.

CHEESE REHMOCTA® 'Merboth' | Affine, lactose-free semi-hard cheese directly from the cheese cellar | Tenderly melting with an orange pepper character

The » MERBOTH « Cheese Rind

Merboth is a semi-hard cheese with a spice blend on the rind.

CHEESE REHMOCTA® 'Merboth' | Affine, lactose-free semi-hard cheese directly from the cheese cellar | Tenderly melting with an orange pepper character

Storage and Aging of » MERBOTH « Cheese

The semi-hard cheese is rubbed and turned in the aging cellar for about 10 weeks. After this treatment, the spice blend is added to the cheese, and it is packaged, allowing the pepper-orange blend to develop its full aroma.

General Quality Characteristics of our Rehmocta Cheeses

  • The rind of the cheese forms when the wheels are soaked in an iodine-free salt bath after shaping.
  • The salt bath promotes rind formation and inhibits bacteria. Depending on the cheese type, the wheels stay in such a bath for varying durations.
  • The salt draws water from the cheese. Subsequently, the cheese wheels are regularly treated with iodine-free salt & brine until fully aged.

Magic of the palate

The specialty of this semi-hard cheese is the balanced orange pepper spice blend. It unfolds its full aroma, making the Merboth cheese truly exceptional.

MERBOTH Cheese Intensity

How mild or spicy is the cheese? We rate it on a scale from 0 (mild) to 10 (spicy).


MERBOTH Cheese Texture

How firm is the cheese? We rate it on a scale from 0 (soft) to 10 (firm).


MERBOTH Cheese Aging Time

How long is it aged? We rate the aging time between 1 to 12 months.


Additional Details about REHMOCTA Cheese » MERBOTH « from Meadow Milk

Characteristics of MERBOTH Cheese
Milk: 100% from silage-free meadow milk
Cheese Type: Lactose-free semi-hard cheese with special rind treatment
Aging Method: Lactic acid and/or fermentation aging and natural surface aging
Cheese Flavor Profile: mild-aromatic
Aging Duration: approx. 4 months
F.i.T.: minimum 48%
Fat content: approx. 30%
Allergens: Apart from milk ingredients, no other allergens
Lactose: not present
Rennet: natural animal rennet
Salt: iodine-free table salt
What defines the MERBOTH cheese character? Cheese flavor paired with pepper and orange aromas. A unique taste experience!
How does MERBOTH cheese taste? The taste is mildly aromatic, the pepper brings a mild spice, making the cheese pleasantly intense in flavor.
What is the texture like? The paste is firm to smooth
What is the color of MERBOTH cheese? Light yellow to yellow – depending on the season
What does the cheese smell like? With evocative aromas
What about the holes? Cherry-to hazelnut-sized holes
How to best enjoy MERBOTH cheese?
  • The cheese is an eye-catcher on cheese platters, snack plates, or sandwiches.
  • The rind and the herb/spice blend are edible.
How to identify suboptimal aging – lower quality? Flavor flaws, many small holes

If you want to store large pieces or a whole wheel of MERBOTH cheese for more than 2-3 weeks, we recommend using a tea towel.

To do this, take a clean tea towel, soak it in salt water (just add a little salt), wring it out, and wrap the cheese with the damp cloth. Ideally, repeat this process every 2-3 days.

If the cheese becomes slightly white or develops spots, it is usually salt or protein crystallizing due to temperature differences. These spots can simply be wiped off.

The use of aluminum foil is possible (though we advise against it), but if used, it should have many small holes for airflow.

More Cheese Delights from Europe?

Weight N/A



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Country of origin


Type of cheese

Traditionally hand-made Austrian semi-hard cheese from silage-free raw milk (hay milk)

Cheese ripening

Berchtold Feinkost GmbH


Cow's milk, cheese-making, natural lab, iodine-free table salt

Additional Ingredients

apple fiber, black pepper, cane sugar, corn grits, curcuma, cut orange peel, ginger, ground orange peel, Iodine free salt, lemon juice powder, natural orange oil, orange peel granules, sweet paprika

Cheese maturing time

3 months

Kind of cheese

Name of cheese

Rehmocta cheese

Storage conditions

Store refrigerated at +4 ° C to +8 ° C

Manufacturer ID

AT 80146 EG

Nutritional value artisan herbal cheese

Allergen labeling and nutritional value table – according to the LMIV (EU No. 1169/2011).
100 grams of cheese contain:

F.D.M. approx. 48 %
Nutritional value 361 kcal/1478 KJ
Fat 30 g
of it saturated 22 g
Carbohydrates 0 g
of which lactose <0,1 g*
Protein 24,8 g
Salt 0,512 g

*Cheeses containing less than 0.1% lactose are defined as lactose free!

Benefits of the Rehmocta from AlpenSepp

The Bregenzerwald Legend of Merboth, Diedo, and Ilga

Click here to view the scanned original from Google.

**Source:** *The Legends of Vorarlberg, with Contributions from Liechtenstein* by Franz Josef Vonbun, No. 222, Page 173.

The inner Bregenzerwald was once an alpine pasture, partially belonging to the old Counts of Bregenz, who became extinct in 1158. It was cultivated by the Benedictines of the Mehrerau Monastery in the 12th and following centuries. The first settlements to emerge were Alberschwende, Schwarzenberg, and Andelsbuch. These three places were home to the siblings Merboth, Diedo, and Ilga, who, according to legend, lived a blessed life. They were said to belong to the noble family of the Counts of Bregenz in the 11th century.

### The Story of Merboth
Merboth entered the Mehrerau Monastery in his youth, became a priest, and was later sent to Alberschwende for pastoral care. One Sunday afternoon, he entered a farmer’s hut and healed a sick child by laying hands on it. As he left, evildoers attacked him with clubs, killing him. A chapel was built at the site of his martyrdom in his honor, later replaced in 1744 by the larger St. Wendelins Chapel, which still stands today. Inside, a statue of the blessed Merboth rests on a stone slab supported by four stone legs over a narrow, open recess believed to be his grave. Nearby, under the chapel’s floor, a small spring flows, accessible through a narrow passage. Pilgrims with eye ailments use the water as a remedy. Merboth is particularly invoked for sick children. Worshippers place pieces of children’s clothing on the statue’s arms and lay the children themselves on the stone slab. Numerous votive plaques and wax models of children’s limbs hang inside the chapel as expressions of gratitude for miraculous healings.

A folk tale tells of a devout shoemaker who prayed in the chapel every morning. When he passed away, and his body was carried past the chapel, the bells in the tower rang by themselves.

### The Story of Diedo
Diedo, Merboth’s brother, renounced his noble heritage and withdrew to the area now known as Andelsbuch, then a dark forest. There, he lived as a hermit, serving God. He built a small cell and chapel, cleared the land, and cultivated fields, combining prayer with labor. He passed away in 1097, and his grave became the site of Andelsbuch’s parish church. Women once placed garments on his grave as a sign of veneration. In 1718, the church was rebuilt on the same site, and Diedo’s remains were moved to a small structure along the church’s northern wall, near the side altar.

A legend tells that Diedo, Merboth, and Ilga once parted ways near the “Pfister Bridge” between Egg and Andelsbuch, weeping as they did. It is said that the nearby stream has remained murky ever since. A small spring, located about forty steps from Andelsbuch’s church, is still known as *Diedobrünnlein* because the saint once drank from it.

### The Story of Ilga
Ilga, also called Hielta, was the biological sister of Merboth and Diedo. She left her parental home and moved to the Bregenzerwald to devote herself to a contemplative life. High up on the Lorenapass, on the route from Alberschwende to Schwarzenberg, Ilga bid farewell to her brothers, Merboth and Diedo, at a place where a spring of excellent water flows from solid rock—water that never freezes even in the harshest winter.

After a heartfelt farewell, Ilga collected water from this spring in her apron and carried it with her to her hermitage. About half an hour from what would later become the parish church of Schwarzenberg, she realized she had no water. She had already carried the water for three-quarters of an hour when she accidentally spilled some near her hermitage. At that very spot, a small spring immediately emerged, which can still be seen today.

She successfully brought the remaining water to her cell, poured it onto the ground, and, miraculously, another spring of the finest water gushed forth. This spring is still known today as the **Ilga Spring** (*Ilgaquelle*).

The hermit Ilga passed away in her cell in the year 1115, and later, the parish church of Schwarzenberg was built over her grave. Like the water from the Wendelins Chapel in Alberschwende, the **Ilga Spring** is frequently used by people suffering from eye ailments.

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6 reviews for CHEESE REHMOCTA® » Merboth « | Affine, lactose-free semi-hard cheese directly from the cheese cellar | Tenderly melting with an orange pepper character

  1. Avatar of Heinz Merboth

    Heinz Merboth

    The cheese itself is sensationally good. But with the rind with orange pepper unique and very tasty!

    (0) (0)
  2. Avatar of Ilga

    Ilga (verified owner)

    The taste is an absolute sensation! Come in the future certainly more often on the table!

    (0) (0)
  3. Avatar of Heiko Grabowski

    Heiko Grabowski (verified owner)

    Very good in the taste

    (0) (1)
  4. Avatar of Gabriele Baron

    Gabriele Baron (verified owner)

    A wonderful cheese. The orange pepper completes the enjoyment perfectly.

    (0) (0)
  5. Avatar of Wolfgang

    Wolfgang (verified owner)

    the content with orange pepper is well done

    (0) (0)
  6. Avatar of su si

    su si (verified owner)

    The most delicious I have eaten for a long time, very aromatic, especially with the orange pepper very successful

    (0) (0)
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