Hay milk cheese and pasture milk cheese
Welcome to pure hay milkHay milk comes from cows that are fed exclusively with fresh grassland feed, hay and little grain. » More info cheese pleasure!
Here in AustriaSince 2004, ARGE Heumilch Österreich has been bringing together around 8,000 hay-milk farmers and more than 60 dairies. » More info, we call our fresh, natural milkCheese milk is the milk intended for the production of cheese, also with the concomitant use of buttermilk products, cream products, sweet whey, sour whey and whey cream (whey cream) » More info for our cheese production hay milk (hay mild standard) – in Germany, more and more of pasture milk (unlike Austria: there is no binding standard for this milk) is spoken.
Nature is our most precious asset. The production of hay milk is the most original form of milk production. The production of hay milk and further processing is as old as the keeping of dairy cows in agriculture (about 5th century BC). Thanks to the natural feeding (hay and cereal meal – no fermented feed such as grass silageHealthy hay milk comes from cows that are fed exclusively on fresh grassland feed, hay and grain. » More info or corn silage), hay milk contains the best qualityDetecting cheese defects and quality - on the cheese dough. Recognizing cheese defects requires some practice. » More info, best taste and many ingredients that are good for our health.
Hay milk cheese – our purity law: A commandment that brings us many prohibitions
The authenticity, which stands behind our alpineThe Vorarlberger Bergkäse (mountain cheese) is a regional cheese specialty from the Austrian province Vorarlberg. » More info cheese specialties, makes the qualitative difference immediately apparent at the first biting. With the purchase of our alpine cheese varieties you support our blossoming alpine landscape and promote biodiversity. Nature thanks us and gives us alpine cheese specialties with a unique aroma.
Trust in our hay milk cheeses:
- Premium hay milk quality – from our farmers in the alps region
- Original feeding with grass and hay and strict fertilizer regulations
- Traditional (artisanal) cheese making using the most modern methods
- Our bids and prohibitions can be found here in haymilk
Hay milk cheese – A special cheese flavor!
On our alpine meadows and pastures there is a colorful variety. Over 50 different types of grasses and herbs are available year round for our cows. Whether Wundkle, Labkrau, redAerobic cheese ripening means cheese ripening with oxygen. » More info clover or plain oat, just to name a few, nature provides our dairy cows varied feed. This tastes in the end not only our cows, but also us. More biodiversity means more flavor and more quality in raw milkThe cheese is made from fresh milk, which was not treated at the beginning of the cheese making process (raw milk). It is almost as it comes from the cow's udder. » More info.
Choose between 21 hay milk cheese varieties in the Cheese Shop!
Hay milk cheese – the secret of the best, highest quality cheese
Our alpine cheese makers swear by the pure taste of hay milk. In cheese production can therefore be dispensed with all additives and preservatives. First-class hay milk quality just needs nothing else. There are of course no limits to the variety of cheeses.
Hay milk – even good for the heart
Hay milk and hay milk products have a higher content of omega-3 fatty acids than normal milk. Omega 3 fatty acids are among the unsaturated fatty acids that our body can not produce itself. But since they are necessary, we have to absorb them with food. These fatty acids also have a positive effect on the health of our cardiovascular system.