Customer question: Where does the meat for your game sausage and sausage varieties come from? An important question in this day and age.
In recent times, we have seen an increase in customer demand for the meat qualityDetecting cheese defects and quality - on the cheese dough. Recognizing cheese defects requires some practice. » More info we use and the meat originProtection of origin or protection of origin are statutory regulations. » More info of our sausage products (dryThe dry matter refers to that portion of the cheese that remains after removal of the water contained. The more water is removed from the cheese, the lower its dry matter and vice versa. » More info sausage, salami, etc.) in the shopThe purchase of food and cheese via the Internet. A big and very interesting topic in this area will probably be the easy and quick access to specialties such as - for examle - cheese. » More info. Since we have been more concerned with our cheeses so far, we have (unfortunately) completely ignored this so important topic.
By the very purposeful inquiry to meat details of Mr. Markus H. from Stuttgart (we thank here very much for the super references) we were sensitized for this contemporary and so important topic.
We in Vorarlberg have, certainly also by the constant consciousness formation by the marketing campaigns of the Ländle Qualitätsprodukte Marketing GmbH, whose partner is the Landwirtschaftskammer Vorarlberg, a high quality requirement with food. In the information campaigns, a very strong focus is placed on regionality and regional producers of our food. You can also see this everywhere when you visit markets, food retailers and food manufacturers in Vorarlberg. There are even supermarkets with a food barometer at the entrance as an information note: “These weeks you have bought 72% of regional food from us”.
With this awareness of regionality we have simply assumed that our butchers (sausage makers) know exactly what they are doing and that they value it.
Now we have specifically asked for it and were not surprised – our manufacturers have very high demands on the meat quality used.
All meat used by our butchers is 4xAT. That means born, raised, slaughtered and processed up in Austria.
Calf and lamb are 100% from Vorarlberg.
- Nußbaumer Helmut, Langenegg
- Vonach AMA-Meat
- Farmers from Bregenzerwald
- Schestauber, Oberösterreich
- Farmers from Bregenzerwald
- Knöferl, Montafon
- Hunters from Bregenzerwald
Results with Doctor Google
Interesting: If you type “meat cheap” into google, the following comes as an excerpt. It is a topic with many consumers
- Top price: Buy pork at a good price – Aktionsfinder
- Cheap meat in the supermarket: How cheap is too cheap? – T-Online
- Cheap, cheaper, neck steaks: Why the meat price says nothing …
- How cheap can meat be? – Ecoforum – ‘ Panorama
- Scarce organic pig: “Whoever eats meat wants cheap goods” |
- Suffering on the motorway: Agonizing animal transports for cheap meat
Here you can learn a lot: influencing factors on meat quality: Wikimeat.
We found something else: Stiftung Warentest: Classical salami under test
Source: food-monitor | Nutrition Information Service | 26 October 2016, 14:48 |
Almost all expensive salamis at prices between 1,29 euros and 3,10 euros per 100 grams perform well or even very well, most inexpensive at prices between 0.50 euros and 1.79 euros are satisfactory. One product is sufficient, another one is deficient, because it has very high contents of mineral oil components.
This is the result of a test of 19 products of packed salami in slices, which is published in the November expenditure of the magazine test and on[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]The results of testing 19 products of sliced packed salami are pleasing. The testers found no rotten meat, no meat from unsponsored animals, no evidence that central nervous system tissue was processedMelting cheese is a proven process to refine and make it more durable. » More info, no salmonella and no listeria. Somewhat more expensive, longer-ripened salami convinced even more than shorter-ripened, cheaper salami. A product is even very good, also because of the strong aromatic salaminote.
Two salamis stand out negatively: One comes from a retail brandCheese packaging must have certain markings. The purpose of these markings is to protect the consumer from deception and to announce the supply of certain information about the product. » More info and contains comparatively many germs. They can be jointly responsible for the slightly bitter taste and the slightly dull smell and lead to the overall note sufficient. Defective is the name of the game for a branded salami. Here the testers found very high contents of mineral oil components – predominantly from the Mosh group of substances. The European Food Authority Efsa classifies Mosh as “potentially alarming”.
The detailed test Salami appears in the November edition of the magazine test (starting from 27.10.2016 at the kiosk) and is already under callably. Source: Stiftung Warentest
Extract of our sausages for sale in the shop
SALAMI STICKS SPICY | Mini Salami Sausages made from Pork | PREMIUM Sausage Variety | 6 Pieces
PEPERONCINO SALAMI | Chili salami made from pork | Spicy-aromatic PREMIUM sausage variety | 1 stick