People with lactose intolerance can not or only insufficiently digest milkCheese milk is the milk intended for the production of cheese, also with the concomitant use of buttermilk products, cream products, sweet whey, sour whey and whey cream (whey cream) » More info sugar (lactose or lactose).
Cheese packaging must have certain markings. The purpose of these markings is to protect the consumer from deception and to announce the supply of certain information about the product.
Mold culturesMold cultures are aroma-forming noble molds that grow on the surface (white noble mold) or inside a cheese (blue and green mold). » More info are aroma-forming noble molds that grow on the surface (white noble mold) or inside a cheese (blue and green mold).
The Vorarlberger Bergkäse (mountainThe Vorarlberger Bergkäse (mountain cheese) is a regional cheese specialty from the Austrian province Vorarlberg. » More info cheese) is a regional cheese specialty from the Austrian province Vorarlberg.
As a preservative for the treatment of cheese rind, natamycinAs a preservative for the treatment of cheese rind, natamycin prevents yeast and mold infestation - and relieves the cheese from complex cheese care. » More info prevents yeast and moldMold cultures are aroma-forming noble molds that grow on the surface (white noble mold) or inside a cheese (blue and green mold). » More info infestation – and relieves the cheese from complex cheese careTo protect the cheese wheel, it is put into salt bath or turned into dry salt. The salt removes water from the cheese and it dries faster. So the rind is formed. » More info.
To kill off any germs present in the milkCheese milk is the milk intended for the production of cheese, also with the concomitant use of buttermilk products, cream products, sweet whey, sour whey and whey cream (whey cream) » More info, it is briefly heated and then immediately cooled again.
In cheese making process additional holesThe large round holes (round holes, fermentation holes) are caused by fermentation gases of bacteria (for example, the propionic acid bacteria in Emmentaler, etc.). » More info are made in the paste which leads to the additional supply of oxygenAerobic cheese ripening means cheese ripening with oxygen. » More info to moldMold cultures are aroma-forming noble molds that grow on the surface (white noble mold) or inside a cheese (blue and green mold). » More info cheese to promote the formation of molds.
MeltingMelting cheese is a proven process to refine and make it more durable. » More info cheese is a proven process to refine and make it more durable.
ProtectionTo protect the cheese wheel, it is put into salt bath or turned into dry salt. The salt removes water from the cheese and it dries faster. So the rind is formed. » More info of originProtection of origin or protection of origin are statutory regulations. » More info or protection of origin are statutory regulations.
The cheese is made from fresh milkCheese milk is the milk intended for the production of cheese, also with the concomitant use of buttermilk products, cream products, sweet whey, sour whey and whey cream (whey cream) » More info, which was not treated at the beginning of the cheese making process (raw milkThe cheese is made from fresh milk, which was not treated at the beginning of the cheese making process (raw milk). It is almost as it comes from the cow's udder. » More info). It is almost as it comes from the cow’s udder.
RedAerobic cheese ripening means cheese ripening with oxygen. » More info smear is a surface threatmentRed smear is a surface threatment method used during cheese making and maturing. » More info method used during cheese making and maturing.
Bacterium Linens (red cultureBacterium Linens (red culture bacteria) are brushed with salt water on the cheese. » More info bacteria) are brushed with salt water on the cheese.